Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Want to find some space in the Library on the 4th and 5th floor? Not very likely...
A lot of people doing Business Law... I sure miss that module. I don't know if I'm bad or my classmates are bad too. No one got 80 :|

Last year's Economics average is really surprising: 70. Wow...  I'll be happy to get that.

I'm sort of at a disadvantage ('down on power') with no previous A level background in:

-Further Maths S2, S3 and S4

Some of these people feel that Accounting is too easy. I can't agree, yet.
...and to add to that 'The maximum you can get in VBA is 80, because it is a language.'
So that's out of the question...
However, with sheer determination, I'm sure it's possible.

I don't think easiness is helpful at all. What you want is 'most likely to get good marks'.
Maybe choose Personal Finance? Surely it can't be too hard.

At this rate, things don't look good.
FI cw is weighted at 30% and GG

My prediction of outcome: ok to average. Don't think any of them is going to be good. (8x)
Stats., FI, Econ, M.Acc

The exam has to compensate for the poor cw.

If your exam is much better than your coursework, it is really amusing. Eg Business law.
Ideally, the coursework should be better because it is 'take home'.

I'd rather my exam be better than coursework.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Buying financial products from non deposit taking institutions- just like going to Waitrose and buying apples...

Sunday, 1 March 2015

'No one gets 90% at University' -my course director.

No, that is not true at all. I'd rather the course director not say that at the beginning of Term 1.
Yes, there are so many brilliant people with 80+%

Those enthusiastic people who come for open days/offer holder days- I wish I could send them on their way. Or tell them: Try for a better school/you deserve much better.
Some must be thinking 'Who in the right mind will choose this as their first choice?'
Apparently 'mediocre' people like me.