Sunday 21 August 2011

Chemistry: What a bitch... :|

Anyway, after Emath 2 there is Chemistry 2 tomorrow :) ..... I haven't studied everything yet.
I don't really like Electrolysis :| maybe organic chemistry with the 'benzene ring' lol, also remembering so many conditions: catalyst, pressure, temperature. bonding-----[stupid atoms-molecules-ions-electrons-inter molecular forces -electrostatic forces... hahaha I think I get it.] Energy changes--not too bad.,
I experimented with dry ice earlier today. Did so many things with it..
1.Put it in a bottle of water capped the lid and let the pressure build up. Release the pressure slowly and you hear gas rushing out.
2. Dissolved the dry ice into water and tested it with blue litmus paper.... indeed it turned red: carbonic acid. It had a sour taste. Free soda water -.-
3.Tried to freeze myself with it... Tissue got frozen hard lolz 'defrost' (nearly had frostbite).
4. Almost got choked while breathing in carbon dioxide gas that sublimed. hahaha

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