Monday 12 December 2011

Malaysians are becoming more affluent

Wow there were a few 'expensive' cars parked at the front of Great Eastern Mall this afternoon. A Porsche Panamera, a Bentley and a Porsche Cayenne Turbo, one after the other. WoW.

I had dinner at Hakka restaurant today. Interesting cars seen today. First, a BMW X6 in some form of red. The, there was this silver CLS 350 just before Hakka.Gorgeous... That was a very new car, with a number plate beginning with WWC ... :O. 'very nice car' commented by father. Yeah, everyone would agree. lollll. There was also another silver CLS 350 inside Hakka restaurant...

There was a Peugeot RCZ parked right in front of the restaurant. That was quite impressive. White car with a black roof and black rims. The number plate is WWB something... also a very new car (the current series is WWG 1-9999)

After dinner, there was a Porsche Cayenne Turbo...

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