Sunday, 4 December 2011

Update about the HTC EVO 3D

I have been using this phone for about 3 weeks. It is quite good. If you are a 3D person, you would definitely buy it. This phone was tested on a standard 2G network, using a prepaid hi!card, that does not support mobile broadband (GPRS). Overall, it was quite good.

However, there were still some occasional disappointments. A few days ago, the phone had some reception issues. One moment it was fine, and the next moment: limited service-.- The battery life was so bad when it was searching for a network :( So this happened many times through out that day. The battery life dropped from 100 % when I left to 75% when I came home. It even had dropped calls. I was in the middle of a call and suddenly, nothing could be heard (as a result of 'limited service').

Today, the battery life was less than satisfactory. I don't know, but something seemed to be draining the battery. I kill all the possible applications, but to no avail. It was just a while since I had left and 95% -.- When I came back, it was 87% ( I only made 2 short calls).
Well, this isn't normal, because even after making 2 calls, the normal battery life should be (95%-99%). So, I shall try again tomorrow and see if this improves. It seems to be fine now.

The test goes like this:
Charge the phone to 100%.
Leave at 2p.m.
Arrive at Clementi at about 2.50p.m
Make a short call (<1min in duration)
At about 5.10p.m, make another short call (1minReach home at about / before 7p.m

So, from 2p.m to 7p.m, the battery should not drop by > 7% (assuming you don't use the phone in between the calls)

I'm hoping to compare this to the Samsung Galaxy S II (once I get my hands on one).
 Galaxy S II does 56 MFLOPS vs  EVO 3D does 44 MFLOPS ----impressive

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